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RPG Forum

descriptionBlack Arrow: Shades of Grey. EmptyBlack Arrow: Shades of Grey.

OOC: Yeah I said Hyper Zone would be the last, but I caught myself in a lie. For I got ideas for this rpg,and another.(Onslaught: Storm of Nations.)

Onslaught is more of a Strategy/tactic rpg. In which we field out armies and stuff.

What is this rpg about? My villain; Black Arrow. It deals with his youth, before he becomes *old* (But still a dangerous terrorist. This is his youth.Fighting to topple corrupt/unjust leaders, and sometimes saving the good guys from "bad" rebels.It will end when Black Arrow focus on the money and not the cause. Until then that is *A LOT* of material that can be done, as he fought in nine wars. Each one a experience in itself.)


:His age? Nine years old. The theater of war? Somewhere in Southeast Asia. On a truck with his weapons. Including a large knife, bow/arrows and a hand gun.:

Random Team Mate: Who the Hell is that? Looks like a kid.

TM2: He is just a kid, but a well trained kid. He has nick names, but one thing is obvious, he is a killer. :Black Arrow smiles about the killer talk. He had no real name.As the truck stops and they were told to go out,and in flanks. Enemy was nearby.:

:They got out and BA goes for the trees. Seeing their truck exploding, due to rocket troopers. He soon took them out with his arrows. Though then a sniper rifle could be heard, as some of his team were taken out. He soon swings from a vine and finds the sniper, it was a woman! No remorse in him firing his pistol into her head. Only three of his team was left,including his "father."

:He was on the ground now.:

Father: Black Arrow,report?

Black Arrow: Enemy sniper, taken out. Now in the mood to eat.

Father:Go ahead, if you can find something.

Black Arrow: I will. :Soon enough tosses his knife,killing a snake and then eats it raw.:

Father: In the future we will teach you manners, you are such a good killer, why I do not protest. But yes we will kill the bitch Queen Veronica, and get our reward for the rebel fighters who want their country back.

:BA was eating, no tattoos yet, and all he does is nod.:

Note: You can be Black Arrow's friends or enemies. But yeah, there is going to be a lot of death, and violence and all that good stuff.

descriptionBlack Arrow: Shades of Grey. EmptyRe: Black Arrow: Shades of Grey.

Hi Chou!

descriptionBlack Arrow: Shades of Grey. EmptyRe: Black Arrow: Shades of Grey.

OOC: Hey Kevin, sorry for the delay,been working on new material to rp with, you can close this RPG. It is just flash backs really.

descriptionBlack Arrow: Shades of Grey. EmptyRe: Black Arrow: Shades of Grey.

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