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Batman Begins

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descriptionBatman Begins EmptyBatman Begins


For Legato. Smile

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Thank you!!

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Bruce Wayne, once a well known billionaire and heir of Wayne Enterprises who to the known world has vanished off the face of the earth. Obtaining a rare blue flower that he discovered from the eastern slopes he carries the flower with him as he climbs the mountain, a task that Henri Ducard assigned him. The task is no cakewalk that's for sure as the harsh elements have made every attempt to push him off the mountain and came close to succeeding on some occasions.

If you could carry it to the top then you'll discover your true path that awaits you

The words that Henri spoke echoed in his head, almost like a key to inspire him to press forward no matter how harsh the elements are.

Bruce makes it to the top

Batman Begins Bb-tem10

The structure he sees before him is one that has been forever hidden from the civilized world and what will carve a different path for him than the one he had walked before.

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
Bruce Wayne, once a well known billionaire and heir of Wayne Enterprises who to the known world has vanished off the face of the earth. Obtaining a rare blue flower that he discovered from the eastern slopes he carries the flower with him as he climbs the mountain, a task that Henri Ducard assigned him. The task is no cakewalk that's for sure as the harsh elements have made every attempt to push him off the mountain and came close to succeeding on some occasions.

If you could carry it to the top then you'll discover your true path that awaits you

The words that Henri spoke echoed in his head, almost like a key to inspire him to press forward no matter how harsh the elements are.

Bruce makes it to the top

Batman Begins Bb-tem10

The structure he sees before him is one that has been forever hidden from the civilized world and what will carve a different path for him than the one he had walked before.

He knocks on the door, it creaks then opened up. Bruce enters the structure, as he enters the room is dark with candles only providing the light it needs. It resembles that of a tomb. Bruce sees a man sit in a throne up ahead.

Batman Begins Batman12

"Ra's Al Ghul"Bruce said then the doors closed behind him. He starts to see the darkness within the room move about then the men dressed in black emerged. He sees Henri appeared and haulted the others within the room. He heard Ra's speak but in Tibetan

"What is it that you're seeking" Henri as Ra's voice asked Bruce

"I seek..the means to fight injustice. To turn the fear and use it on the ones who prey upon the fearful" Bruce said then reached up and pulled the flower from the cloth that he used as his makeshift face mask then gave it to Henri who examined it and formed a impressed grin then turned and spoke with Ra's. Showing the flower, Ra's said something in Tibetan then Henri responds to Bruce" To manipulate the fears of others one must first master his own. Are you ready to begin?"

Fatigued from his journey Bruce is unsure" I..I cant barely sta..." He is kicked in the gut by Henri" Death does not wait!!!" He approaches Bruce as he lands to the ground" Death is not merciful or fair" he kicks him to the side then Bruce clutches it in pain as he rolls on his back

"And make no mistake, this is where you face Death" he gives a kick to the face but Bruce regains himself then catches it. Bruce glares at him while Henri gives a look that reads " Catching on pretty quick"

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
Legato wrote:
Bruce Wayne, once a well known billionaire and heir of Wayne Enterprises who to the known world has vanished off the face of the earth. Obtaining a rare blue flower that he discovered from the eastern slopes he carries the flower with him as he climbs the mountain, a task that Henri Ducard assigned him. The task is no cakewalk that's for sure as the harsh elements have made every attempt to push him off the mountain and came close to succeeding on some occasions.

If you could carry it to the top then you'll discover your true path that awaits you

The words that Henri spoke echoed in his head, almost like a key to inspire him to press forward no matter how harsh the elements are.

Bruce makes it to the top

Batman Begins Bb-tem10

The structure he sees before him is one that has been forever hidden from the civilized world and what will carve a different path for him than the one he had walked before.

He knocks on the door, it creaks then opened up. Bruce enters the structure, as he enters the room is dark with candles only providing the light it needs. It resembles that of a tomb. Bruce sees a man sit in a throne up ahead.

Batman Begins Batman12

"Ra's Al Ghul"Bruce said then the doors closed behind him. He starts to see the darkness within the room move about then the men dressed in black emerged. He sees Henri appeared and haulted the others within the room. He heard Ra's speak but in Tibetan

"What is it that you're seeking" Henri as Ra's voice asked Bruce

"I seek..the means to fight injustice. To turn the fear and use it on the ones who prey upon the fearful" Bruce said then reached up and pulled the flower from the cloth that he used as his makeshift face mask then gave it to Henri who examined it and formed a impressed grin then turned and spoke with Ra's. Showing the flower, Ra's said something in Tibetan then Henri responds to Bruce" To manipulate the fears of others one must first master his own. Are you ready to begin?"

Fatigued from his journey Bruce is unsure" I..I cant barely sta..." He is kicked in the gut by Henri" Death does not wait!!!" He approaches Bruce as he lands to the ground" Death is not merciful or fair" he kicks him to the side then Bruce clutches it in pain as he rolls on his back

"And make no mistake, this is where you face Death" he gives a kick to the face but Bruce regains himself then catches it. Bruce glares at him while Henri gives a look that reads " Catching on pretty quick"

Bruce pushed Henri back then Bruce gets in a fighting stance"Tiger" Henri recognized it then Bruce proceeds to punch him but Henri blocked, he then switches fighting styles and tried to get Henri off balance by taking a more Jujitsu maneuver but Henri countered and punched Bruce in the ribs. Bruce yelled then knelt to the floor then regained himself and assumes another fighting style "Panther". Henri could see that Bruce is no stranger in the art of fighting, evident when he witnessed him take on the six criminals in the Bhutanese prison but Bruce is up against a more skilled fighter. Whatever Bruce lands Henri would counter" You're quite skilled" He caught a punch then used his other hand to grab him by the throat" But not skilled enough. This is not a dance" He head-butts Bruce to the floor

He kicked Bruce to his back, Bruce looked up, dazed and nose bleeding from the head-butt. "You are afraid Mr.Wayne but not of me" Bruce's vision starts to blur and the last thing he heard from Henri was

"Tell me, what is it that you fear?"

Last edited by Legato on Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

“What is it that you fear?”

We see a image of legions of bats flying around followed by screams of a child. It was an old abandoned well in which the child accidentally fall into. A silhouette of a man descending down the well in an attempt to save him

A seven year old Bruce was startled awake. He is dressed in his pajamas "Bruce" he felt a hand on his shoulder then he turned and see Thomas Wayne before him" Dad". Thomas Wayne embraced him" The bats again" Thomas Wayne asked Bruce but knowing full well the answer. Bruce only nods. He lets him go then looked at him" You know why they attacked you don't you?" Bruce shook his head then Thomas responded" They were afraid of you"

Bruce looked at him with confusion" Afraid of me?"

"All creatures feel fear" Thomas said then Bruce chuckled" Even the scary ones"

"Especially the scary ones" Thomas joked" Just remember that no matter what happens. I'll always be there to protect you”

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
“What is it that you fear?”

We see a image of legions of bats flying around followed by screams of a child. It was an old abandoned well in which the child accidentally fall into. A silhouette of a man descending down the well in an attempt to save him

A seven year old Bruce was startled awake. He is dressed in his pajamas "Bruce" he felt a hand on his shoulder then he turned and see Thomas Wayne before him" Dad". Thomas Wayne embraced him" The bats again" Thomas Wayne asked Bruce but knowing full well the answer. Bruce only nods. He lets him go then looked at him" You know why they attacked you don't you?" Bruce shook his head then Thomas responded" They were afraid of you"

Bruce looked at him with confusion" Afraid of me?"

"All creatures feel fear" Thomas said then Bruce chuckled" Even the scary ones"

"Especially the scary ones" Thomas joked" Just remember that no matter what happens. I'll always be there to protect you”

I love you I love you

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Gotham City: Upper Side

Riding the monorail that toured the visitors of Gotham City, Thomas, Martha, and Bruce watched as the monorail give them an overlook view of Gotham City

"Did you built this train dad?" Bruce asked him in which he nods" Gotham's been good to our family but the city's been suffering. People less fortunate than us has been enduring hard times. So we build a new cheap public transportation system to unite the city. And the center of it all" he motions to the building up north of the city"Wayne Tower"

"That is where you work?" Bruce asked

"No I work at the hospital, I leave the running of the company to much..better men" Thomas said in which Bruce asked" Better"

"Well...More interested men" Thomas joked then smiled at Martha. Bruce smiled then looks on as the monorail continues to tour the city

Batman Begins Gotham10

At the Wayne Manor Bruce is with Martha who was watching a TV Program called Beware The Gray Ghost

Once the show went to commercial they see a political ad featuring Martha Wayne

" Integrity"

"Those are the three ingredients required and that is what political candidate Martha Wayne has. During the crash of 87 she was there to help Gotham recover from the economic crisis and provide new jobs for it's citizens. If elected Mayor she promises to continue in molding the city into something greater."

The scene then shows Martha Wayne who concluded the political ad in saying" I'm Martha Wayne and I approve this message"

"Think you will win?" Bruce asked Martha who responded" It's pretty close. Morgan Edge runs a pretty strong campaign but it's not the campaign that the city needs"

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked

"He uses fear as a method to inspire the people to act but it doesn't always have to take fear to improve the city." Martha said

Bruce took note of what his mother said then the two returned to their program as the commercial ended

Last edited by Legato on Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:33 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Morgan Edge
Batman Begins Daniel10
In this universe he isn't a crime boss but more a corporate executive, who is an old friend of Lionel Luthor

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Very nice! Very Happy

Also, check out the recent addition to Clark's cast.

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Gotham City Police Department

The police have apprehended one of the thugs and one of the officers are in the room interrogating him

"These are some serious charges you are carrying. Luckily for you the D.A is offering a deal on the table. Testify against Stephen Mandragora and we will see about having your sentence reduced and placed in protective custody" The officer said then the thug chuckled at the offer" Do what you got to do, I'd rather face whatever sentence you give me than face Mandragora. Your broken promise of protection won't do squat"

Looking on inside a room through a two way mirror Sargent Foley and Sargent Gordon looked on" What kind of monster is this Mandragora that can terrify the criminals to the point that they would rather face prison or worse? Sargent Foley said to Gordon who shook his head" Who knows"

Gotham City Opera House

The Waynes took a seat to see Die Fledermaus. It was an opera show that they have been looking forward to in a long time. During the second act of the show a group of performers dressed as bats started to descend down from the ropes, their pose and mannerism's resemble that of an actual bat.

Bruce started to shift uncomfortably, one of the performers started to spin around, Bruce started having flashbacks of that time he fell down and got attacked by bats. He started trembling so hard his hands shook violently. More "bats" started to descend, he felt his was back in that cave where he was attacked. Legions of bats descending upon him while he desperately tries to shield himself away from them. He started to hyperventilate as panic crept in. He sits up and looks around as if trying to come to grips at where he was. He sees both of his parents with him and it was that reminder that he is safe and not at the place where the traumatic event occurred.

The whole act still made him uncomfortable he looked at Thomas Wayne" Can we go?" Thomas looked down confusingly then Bruce continued" Please". Noticing the distressed look on his son's face, Martha then recognized it also. "Sure" Thomas said without hesitation then the two left the Opera House.

"Will you be alright Bruce?" Martha asked then Thomas responded" I'm sure he will, he just needed some fresh air. A little bit of opera goes a long way. Right Bruce?"

While calmed a little, not as panicked as he was earlier, he's still a little shaken but mustered enough courage to nod in agreement.

"Come on. Lets go" Thomas said as he puts Bruce's coat on him. It could be motherly instinct but Martha wraps a protective yet comforting arm around him as they walk down the alleyway.

They were then startled when someone approached them with a gun"Wallets, jewelry, come on, fast!!!" the robber ordered. He has short blond hair, and a blond mustache dressed in a green coat.

"Ok, just take it easy" Thomas said, he sees the robbers gun handle started to shake. Probably haven't killed anyone his whole life and what he is doing is no doubt in an act of desperation. However all Thomas could think of was keeping the guy focused on him than on his wife and son and hope that he could talk him out of doing something he may regret.

Martha held Bruce fiercely, she is about as afraid as Bruce is right now but she has to remain strong for his sake

Thomas handed the robber his wallet but the robbers hands were so jittery that he dropped it on the ground"Thats fine, it's ok" Thomas said not taking his eyes off the robber. With his eyes still on him he crouches down to pick up the wallet. He picked it up then Thomas said" Just take it and go"

"I said jewelry!!!" He then points the gun at Martha. His finger squeezed the trigger tightly then Thomas rushed at Martha's aid.


"Thomas!!!" Martha screamed then the robber looked on stunned as Thomas ran infront of the robber's gun. He saw him fall on the ground as the bullet hit him. Martha went over and embraced a lifeless Thomas Wayne, trying in vein, pleading for some kind of response

The robber rushed then grabbed Martha's necklace. He then pointed his gun at her then shot Martha in the head.

Bruce looked on in complete shock, it was like living some horrible dream and he hope that he would wake up to find his father and mother there convincing him that everything is ok. He didn't even acknowledge the robber pointing the gun at him as he was so lost in the events that has transpired currently. The robber then decided to turn around and make a run for it.


The voice of his father was enough to snap him out of the shock he was in, he look down at him as Thomas is clinging to his last strands of life

"Don't be afraid" Was Thomas's final words that he said before death claimed him

It was then Bruce came to the realization that it isn't a dream. Both of his parent's are gone and they are never coming back.

Gotham City Police Department

"Was there a conspiracy involved in the murders?"
" Was the election the motivation behind the attack?"

Was that and the many questions the press was asking as they were kept at bay from the rest of the GCPD

Bruce sits silently, completely oblivious to all of this. He sees Sargent James Gordon appearing before him, crouching to his level"This was your fathers" he reached out to Bruce who flinched" It's ok" Sargent Gordon said smiling at him assuringly. He got a blanket then wrapped it around him. Placing a hand on Bruce's head gently" It's ok"

"Gordon" He turned to see Sargent Foley and Gordon got up then he approached Bruce and smiled" Hey. Good news, we got him son"

In the next day Alfred is with Bruce as Thomas and Martha Wayne is being buried. As long as he lives he wont forget the last words that his father said to him.

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

"Do you still feel responsible for your parent's death?" Ducard ask Bruce as they are both on the balcony overlooking the hidden city they are in but also the whole mountain range and the snowy lands beyond that" My anger outweighs my guilt" Bruce responded

He pats Bruce on the shoulder" Come" they turned then leaves the balcony, as they walk Bruce passes a young woman who look to be around her age, they both exchanged knowing glances then they both walked off.

Batman Begins Talia_10

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

"You have learned to bury your guilt with anger, I will teach you to confront it and face the truth" Ducard says as they both walk on what was once a lake that is now frozen solid, perfect place for their next session" You know how to fight six men, we can tech you how to engage 600" he says as they both circle eachother with their respective swords in hand.

"You know how to disappear, we can teach you to become truly invisible"

Bruce charged then lunges his sword at Ducard but it was blocked and he parray's from his advance attack then he counters with an attack of his own.

Montage FB


"The ninja understands that invisibility is a matter of patience and agility"

He stands on a pillar as one of his sessions involve balancing on a floor of pillars while a select group of Ducard's best, one of whom that consist of a lone female member among the group arm with quarter staff's attacking Bruce as he blocks and dodges the attacks, he came close to falling but he got his hand on one pillar to stop himself then gets himself back up. Ducard observes the session.

End of Montage FB

Bruce walks carefully on the ice as he can hear the creaking sound, Ducard studies him then strikes at him with his sword. Bruce blocked it but Ducard's attack got him off balance and he slid off the ice"Always mind your surroundings"

He gets up and the two continues their sword fight

"Ninjitsu employs explosive powders as weapons"

"As weapons?"

"Or distractions"

"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents, you mist become more than just a man in the mind of your opponent"

Bruce blocked a strike from Ducard then another, at a glance his reflexes have been improving. Ducard ducks an attack form Bruce. While his defense have improved his speed and offense still need work. Ducard backed away then turn from him" Your parent's death was not your fault"

Bruce takes advantage of this and thrust the sword at him but Ducard deflected it with his but Bruce tries another attack then his sword got caught in one of Ducard's arm blades as he blocked it. Bruce struggled to free it then he heard Ducard say" It was your fathers"

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Ra's don't play.

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Lone female member is Talia I take it? Very Happy

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
"You have learned to bury your guilt with anger, I will teach you to confront it and face the truth" Ducard says as they both walk on what was once a lake that is now frozen solid, perfect place for their next session" You know how to fight six men, we can tech you how to engage 600" he says as they both circle eachother with their respective swords in hand.

"You know how to disappear, we can teach you to become truly invisible"

Bruce charged then lunges his sword at Ducard but it was blocked and he parray's from his advance attack then he counters with an attack of his own.

Montage FB


"The ninja understands that invisibility is a matter of patience and agility"

He stands on a pillar as one of his sessions involve balancing on a floor of pillars while a select group of Ducard's best, one of whom that consist of a lone female member among the group arm with quarter staff's attacking Bruce as he blocks and dodges the attacks, he came close to falling but he got his hand on one pillar to stop himself then gets himself back up. Ducard observes the session.

End of Montage FB

Bruce walks carefully on the ice as he can hear the creaking sound, Ducard studies him then strikes at him with his sword. Bruce blocked it but Ducard's attack got him off balance and he slid off the ice"Always mind your surroundings"

He gets up and the two continues their sword fight

"Ninjitsu employs explosive powders as weapons"

"As weapons?"

"Or distractions"

"Theatricality and deception are powerful agents, you mist become more than just a man in the mind of your opponent"

Bruce blocked a strike from Ducard then another, at a glance his reflexes have been improving. Ducard ducks an attack form Bruce. While his defense have improved his speed and offense still need work. Ducard backed away then turn from him" Your parent's death was not your fault"

Bruce takes advantage of this and thrust the sword at him but Ducard deflected it with his but Bruce tries another attack then his sword got caught in one of Ducard's arm blades as he blocked it. Bruce struggled to free it then he heard Ducard say" It was your fathers"
Ducard disarmed Bruce but he still remained in the fight, anger flared within him, and he proceeds with a punch to the face but Ducard simply dodged the attack then countered with a knee to the stomach. Bruce doubles over then Ducard uppercuts him, sending him falling on the ice.

Bruce clutches his stomach but either it's stubbornness or the fact that he still feel raw towards the comment Bruce got back up and continued his fight. He went to hit him with the arm blade but Ducard blocked it with his sword. Bruce goes for a punch but Ducard met his move and countered it by flipping him to the ground.

Holding Bruce down by twisting one of his arms Ducard said"Never loose your temper. Anger doesn't change the fact that your father failed to act"

"The man had a gun" Bruce argued

" Would that have stopped you?" Ducard countered

Bruce gets up" I've had training"

"Training is nothing! Will is everything!" Ducard took charged then attacked with the sword, Bruce barely blocked then he was met with a punch to the ribs and an elbow shot to the jaw. Knocking him to the ground once again" The will to act" Ducard said, studying Bruce to see what his next move will be. That shot hurt, possible risk of a broken jaw. Yet Bruce is more than determined to continue. As he stood up he stared down Ducard with a look that reads. 'If this is your attempt to break me then you haven't succeeded'

He charged at Ducard then he swings at Bruce's head but he ducks and slides across the ice and grabbed his sword. Ducard brings his sword down but Bruce blocked it then counters by sweeping Ducard off his feet. Bruce on his feet with his sword pointed at him" Yield" he said with a smile forming at his victory over his teacher

"You haven't beaten me" Ducard said staring up at him" You have sacrificed your footing for a killing stroke" Bruce was unsure of what he meant then he hears the ice from beneath him starting to crack and Ducard taps the ice beneath Bruce's feet. Sending him under.

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Bruce huddled himself as close to the fire as he could. He clutches his arms and then hears a soft voice speak to him" Rub your chest, it helps" He looked up to see the young woman that he saw from before, placing another log in the fire. Ducard had assigned her to keep him company. He looked up to see her hair a little damp but unphased when compared to how he is feeling" How does it not bother you?"

" After awhile, you can just shut it off." The young woman explained" Which helps when your confronting an enemy. If you don't show him pain, fear, or any kind of discomfort then you have an edge" she stirred the fire then looked at him" What was it like?"

"What was what like?" Bruce asked the young woman before him

"Getting the upperhand against him. Even if it was for a brief moment" She asked

"Honestly. It felt like climbing the worlds tallest mountain" Bruce explained

"Achieving something that was difficult to achieve?" She said

"Yeah. Pretty exhilarating" Bruce said which caused her to smile and laugh a little while Bruce smiled in return"He has taken a shine to you"

"Picked an unusual way of showing it" Bruce commented

"It's not often he'd get to personally train someone. He must have seen something great in you" She said

"I'd like to know what that is. Howabout you?" Buce asked the young woman who responded" Not sure yet. Interested in seeing how it turns out. Names Talia"

Bruce nods" The same"

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins


Awwww.I love you 

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Kane's Bar

Batman Begins Black_11

"You've been staring at your drink for quite some time" Foley said to Gordon while he drinked his drink

"Just thinking. Thinking when did this city fell apart. It had it's flaws before but now it's a rat hole" Gordon said just staring and watching the ice melt into the drink

"I wouldn't go that far Jim, even the rats would have the good sense to leave this place" He joked then noticed Gordon's unwavering expression" We arrest the criminals Jim, if we had the power then we'd make sure they stay locked up."

Gordon glances at Foley"What keeps you so optimistic?"

Foley shrugged" The way I look at it. The mob bosses and other criminal elements will fall sometime. Just a matter of when."

Gordon looks back at his drink"Thats one way to look at it" he said then takes the drink and drinks it all down

The two walked out of the bar" There are times I think back, how the city would have been if Martha had won the election"

"Morgan won, no sense dwelling on it" Foley said then the two sees someone trying to break into their car

Gordon cocked his head to the side(Well isn't that nice)

Foley looked at him"You want to do this or should I?"

"Actually, this is just the pick me up I need" Jim said then the two approached the guy" Hey buddy"

The guy turned then the two flashed their badges at him.

"Let me guess you took a gamble to see if you can steal a car that belonged to two of Gotham City's finest?" Gordon said as he looked at the guy and judging from the expression on the guys face he can tell that he's screwed. He tries to make a run for it but Foley quickly drew a gun on him"Don't make this harder on yourself man"

Gordon walked up to him"Not your lucky day"


Peter Foley

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Spoiler :


descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
Kane's Bar

Batman Begins Black_11

"You've been staring at your drink for quite some time" Foley said to Gordon while he drinked his drink

"Just thinking. Thinking when did this city fell apart. It had it's flaws before but now it's a rat hole" Gordon said just staring and watching the ice melt into the drink

"I wouldn't go that far Jim, even the rats would have the good sense to leave this place" He joked then noticed Gordon's unwavering expression" We arrest the criminals Jim, if we had the power then we'd make sure they stay locked up."

Gordon glances at Foley"What keeps you so optimistic?"

Foley shrugged" The way I look at it. The mob bosses and other criminal elements will fall sometime. Just a matter of when."

Gordon looks back at his drink"Thats one way to look at it" he said then takes the drink and drinks it all down

The two walked out of the bar" There are times I think back, how the city would have been if Martha had won the election"

"Morgan won, no sense dwelling on it" Foley said then the two sees someone trying to break into their car

Gordon cocked his head to the side(Well isn't that nice)

Foley looked at him"You want to do this or should I?"

"Actually, this is just the pick me up I need" Jim said then the two approached the guy" Hey buddy"

The guy turned then the two flashed their badges at him.

"Let me guess you took a gamble to see if you can steal a car that belonged to two of Gotham City's finest?" Gordon said as he looked at the guy and judging from the expression on the guys face he can tell that he's screwed. He tries to make a run for it but Foley quickly drew a gun on him"Don't make this harder on yourself man"

Gordon walked up to him"Not your lucky day"


Peter Foley

Also got a RP in Heroes Rising

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Legato wrote:
Kane's Bar

Batman Begins Black_11

"You've been staring at your drink for quite some time" Foley said to Gordon while he drinked his drink

"Just thinking. Thinking when did this city fell apart. It had it's flaws before but now it's a rat hole" Gordon said just staring and watching the ice melt into the drink

"I wouldn't go that far Jim, even the rats would have the good sense to leave this place" He joked then noticed Gordon's unwavering expression" We arrest the criminals Jim, if we had the power then we'd make sure they stay locked up."

Gordon glances at Foley"What keeps you so optimistic?"

Foley shrugged" The way I look at it. The mob bosses and other criminal elements will fall sometime. Just a matter of when."

Gordon looks back at his drink"Thats one way to look at it" he said then takes the drink and drinks it all down

The two walked out of the bar" There are times I think back, how the city would have been if Martha had won the election"

"Morgan won, no sense dwelling on it" Foley said then the two sees someone trying to break into their car

Gordon cocked his head to the side(Well isn't that nice)

Foley looked at him"You want to do this or should I?"

"Actually, this is just the pick me up I need" Jim said then the two approached the guy" Hey buddy"

The guy turned then the two flashed their badges at him.

"Let me guess you took a gamble to see if you can steal a car that belonged to two of Gotham City's finest?" Gordon said as he looked at the guy and judging from the expression on the guys face he can tell that he's screwed. He tries to make a run for it but Foley quickly drew a gun on him"Don't make this harder on yourself man"

Gordon walked up to him"Not your lucky day"


Peter Foley

You have no idea how refreshing it is to see Gordon being awesome on his own.Very Happy

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

Admin wrote:
Legato wrote:
Kane's Bar

Batman Begins Black_11

"You've been staring at your drink for quite some time" Foley said to Gordon while he drinked his drink

"Just thinking. Thinking when did this city fell apart. It had it's flaws before but now it's a rat hole" Gordon said just staring and watching the ice melt into the drink

"I wouldn't go that far Jim, even the rats would have the good sense to leave this place" He joked then noticed Gordon's unwavering expression" We arrest the criminals Jim, if we had the power then we'd make sure they stay locked up."

Gordon glances at Foley"What keeps you so optimistic?"

Foley shrugged" The way I look at it. The mob bosses and other criminal elements will fall sometime. Just a matter of when."

Gordon looks back at his drink"Thats one way to look at it" he said then takes the drink and drinks it all down

The two walked out of the bar" There are times I think back, how the city would have been if Martha had won the election"

"Morgan won, no sense dwelling on it" Foley said then the two sees someone trying to break into their car

Gordon cocked his head to the side(Well isn't that nice)

Foley looked at him"You want to do this or should I?"

"Actually, this is just the pick me up I need" Jim said then the two approached the guy" Hey buddy"

The guy turned then the two flashed their badges at him.

"Let me guess you took a gamble to see if you can steal a car that belonged to two of Gotham City's finest?" Gordon said as he looked at the guy and judging from the expression on the guys face he can tell that he's screwed. He tries to make a run for it but Foley quickly drew a gun on him"Don't make this harder on yourself man"

Gordon walked up to him"Not your lucky day"


Peter Foley

You have no idea how refreshing it is to see Gordon being awesome on his own.Very Happy
Or the cops for that matter Wink 

descriptionBatman Begins EmptyRe: Batman Begins

It had been almost two years since his stay with the League of Shadows, his training process has been improving on each passing day. Ducard has taken note on Bruce and Talia's bonding during the course of the training, some have felt that she shouldn't get too close to the new guy but Ducard see it as an opportunity to teach Bruce the next course of his training.

He has got Talia involved a little more in the training, either it's sparring sessions with Bruce or pair him with training missions. Ducard has stated that should Bruce mess up in either the training session or mission then whatever consequence he faces Talia face in return. Ducard mentioned that the process is intended for the two to work well as a team. They had they're rocky moments but they managed to gel well as a team.

Bruce has traveled the world and been trained by various masters in order to improve his skills, even did some training missions with Talia. He's shaping up to be a fine candidate of the league of shadows.

Now is the day of Bruce's initiation, he has been anticipating this moment and is determined to not only pass the initiation but to see where it takes him.

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Bruce gets suited up for his initiation, he's rather disappointed that Talia wouldn't be there but she's ordered a mission from Ra's so she has to take it without question.

"I understand, really" Bruce said as Talia is preparing for her mission and Shanghai she turns and smiled at him" On the bright side, when I return you will be a member of the League of Shadows"

"After everything that has happened, that will be rewarding" Bruce smiled in return, Talia leaned forward and gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek" Till we meet again, beloved"
End Flashback

"Till we meet again" Bruce said then goes to conduct his initiation.

"You've traveled the world to understand the criminal mind and conquer your fears" Ducard showed Bruce a flower that he gave him, that Bruce took all the way up to the top of the mountain. He puts it in a cup and makes a potion out of it" But..a criminal is not complicated and what you really fear is inside yourself. You fear your own power, you fear your anger. The drive to do great or terrible things. Now you must journey inwards" He gives Bruce a potion that he created out of the flower" You are ready"

Bruce glanced at Ducard then at the cup" Breathe" Ducard instructs and Bruce brings it close to him and did just so. He breaths in the fumes of the potion

"Breathe in your fears" Bruce closed his eyes then starts to see images of himself as a child trapped in the well surrounded by a flock of bats. His body tensed" Face them, to conquer fear you must become fear. And use it as a tool to break those who oppose you" Ducard stated" You must bask in the fear of other men, and men fear those who don't see" Ducard disappears in an army of League of Shadow agents

Bruce opens his eyes and face the League of Shadows and he puts his mask on

He's among the League of Shadows as he scouts for Ducard

"You must become a terrible thought"

The members of the League of Shadows drew their weapons then made a path and stood in formation

Bruce draws his formation

"You have to become an idea"

Bruce ducked an attack that Ducard made then counter with one of his own, Ducard blocks then disappeared into the shadows which shifted formation

"You feel terror cloud your senses"

"Feel it's power to distort"

Bruce, under the influence of the fumes of the potion searches the shadows for Ducard

"To control"

The shadows shifted form once again then shifted and raised their weapons high

"Make this untammed power yours"

Ducard waits within the shadows then attacks Bruce who manages to defend himself but before he can attack Ducard disappears within the shadows

"Embrace your worst fear"

Bruce hears a box open

"Become one with the darkness"

A flock of bats came at Bruce. He ducks on the ground and shielded himself from him, the sight of the bats took him back to that moment he had as a child. He summoned his strength and overcome it and rise up

"Focus, concentrate, master your senses"

Ducard attacked him again and manages to cut Bruce's arm then disappears into the shadows. Bruce focus on not just his senses but also uses his mind, remembering back to his teachings on that not all battles are won with brute force Bruce took his sword and made a small cut at each of the shadows, matching the wound that Bruce has.

Ducard searches the shadows then finds Bruce he then held a sword close to his neck, taking his mask of" You cannot leave any sign" A figure appeared behind him and held a sword close to Ducard's neck"No, you cant" he takes off his mask then Ra's watching this from above clapped at Bruce's success on the initiation.

A grin came from Ducard, he has taught his pupil well

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